Our Host, Producer and international speaker is Greg Bratcher. He is originally from Houston, Texas and has a B.B.A from the University of Texas, a M.Div. from Andrews University and his MBA from Purdue University. He has extensive business experience in Oil & Gas Exploration and the Automotive Sector. He has also served as a Pastor, a Director of Development and a Country Director for ADRA/Yemen (Adventist Relief and Development Agency). He is married and currently resides in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where he is an ordained Elder at his local church. He is a member of Texas-Exes, Andrews Alumni, Purdue Alumni and ASI (Adventist-Laymen's Services Industries). He has shared his distinctive views on prophecy, speaking publicly in cities such as Washington, Detroit, Atlanta, Los Angelos, Sacramento, Baton Rouge, Moscow, Kiev, Samarkand, Hong Kong and many others. If you are interested in scheduling him for his latest seminar entitled 'Daniel 11 and the Middle East Conflict,' please contact us at info@danielcode.com.