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What the book of Daniel reveals about the crisis in the Middle East

Wailing Wall in Jerusalem
Photo Credit: Golasso, WikiSource, 2011

We are very near the complete fulfillment of Daniel, chapter 11! We have chronologically reached Daniel 11:43 (Libya brought into submission). Most people are unaware how quickly these events are coming, yet many sense impending doom, like the  "Doomsday Preppers."

Jesus warned his disciples about  'The Abomination of Desolation' again being in the Holy Place in Jerusalem (Matthew 24:15,16).  He told them to "understand" by decoding the book of Daniel. After years of study, I discovered that almost no one understands the final verses of Daniel, chapter 11. Yet, if we correctly understand its "code," it clearly predicts and describes the events in the Middle East, such as the current struggle for the Middle East, including the Arab Spring. Please see our Free Bible Study Guides, or order our latest DVD. 

I will walk you step-by-step through my recent discoveries. I am not a scholar, but I bring a unique background to this subject. I’ve studied at a seminary and lived in the Middle East, studied the Arabic language and the Q’uran for many years. The experience of living among Muslim people opened my eyes in so many ways. Much of what you’ll read is not original. I stand on the shoulders of those who came before me. Therefore I will quote freely from other writers.